Assistant Treasurer/Counters

SNEC Treasury Instructions and Procedures    
 Best Practice Policies - 2022    
    RE: Instructions Procedures: 
→    Remittances are to be sent by the 10th of each month. 
→    Tithe envelopes for the period being audited. The envelopes for each week should have a 
    printed tape from an adding machine and have the transaction receipt from the bank with 
    them. A rubber band around each week and one around each month is a good way to keep 
    them intact. The most suitable method of filing is in a shoe box or a larger box for larger 
    churches. Other methods are acceptable. One reason for this is because the envelopes only 
    need to be kept for four years after the audit. All other documents need to be kept for six 
    years, with the exception of monthly print outs which are considered the ledger these have 
    to be kept forever. 
→    A copy of all bank statements is to be available. This includes savings statements from 
    all sources such as The Atlantic Union Conference Revolving Fund, etc. All of these 
    statements should be filed together in a binder or manila folder. 
→    Paid bills, check book, and check copies. File all paid bills attached to a print out of the 
    check from the program. Paid bills need to have the check number and date on them. They 
    should be filed numerically by check number with the lowest number at the bottom in a 
    manila folder or binder. If a person is being reimbursed for more than one invoice there 
    needs to be an adding machine tape with the name of the person, the check number, and 
    date, attached with all receipts/invoices. 
→    Bank reconciliation reports. The ledger/system needs to be reconciled with the bank 
    statement each month. Please print and put along in with the reports that are printed out at 
    the end of each month. In case of owning other assets (savings/investments accounts), they 
    need to be reconciled each time a statement is received, and the interest needs to be updated. 
→    Month-end reports. The reports that are printed out at the end of each month. 
→    Copies of Board Minutes. Please have available copies of church board minutes. Each 
    board meeting financial items are discussed and decisions made. The receipts confirm the 
    board decision. 

We realize this might take a little extra time, but it is the Lord’s work and organization will make the work easier    
    RE: Procedures at a glance: 
1    Confidentiality when handling tithe envelopes. 
2    There should always be more than one person counting. 
3    The treasury team should consist of at least three people: the treasurer and two assistant treasurers. 
    a. Counting tithe envelopes: tithe envelopes should be done with at least two people from the treasury team voted by Church
    b. Loose offerings may be counted by deacons and/or deaconesses in the case of small 
4    Pastors should not be signers on local church bank accounts. 
5    There should be no more than two signers on the local church bank accounts. 
6    Bank deposits should be made within 4 days of receiving church funds. 
7    All local employees are to be paid through the payroll system from the Southern New England Conference. Any further questions please contact SNEC Treasurer’s Office. 
8    No debit cards are to be used.

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