Prayer Page

Here are the ongoing prayer request. You may add your prayer request, praise and thanks using the form on the Prayer Ministries page. Only names or general descriptions are used for the prayer requests.

Those who are grieving loss.

Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the latter rain for us and the world; God will teach us to love Him so that we can love each other, to be like Jesus; on the churches, the weekly Sabbath lesson study and the Wednesday night meeting; ask God to grow these meetings with participants

Ask God for a new heart to love others with love of God; Ask God to trust Him

God be with the children, youth - protect their self-image/bullying/words and young adults, that God will help them in their journey, transition, to know themselves, to keep their faith, to be given wisdom, discernment; 

God help our families and marriages; marriages that are struggling - bring peace and love to marriages; Families in conflict for presence of God and peace; find family counselors

God help parents to be the right influence, to be like Christ

God continue to draw our children to Himself

Braintree church unity and hear God's voice; Nom Com;

Unity in Jesus, not a goal or task; peace and joy

Church leaders, conference leadership and president

Boston Impact 2025 and Pentecost 2025 for God to lead in plans and activities

Pray for wisdom for communication, conflict resolution, discernment to listen and speak with wisdom, God help us to keep our eyes on God not our problems, hope for what God can do for each person beyond what we can do and imagine

Ministry of the Food Pantry to the recipients, witness of Jesus to and  through the volunteers, God to draw visitors to God - for increased food resources, God's guidance during challenges of supplies

The poor, needy, sick and in prison; mental health; sick/ailing members; those struggling with jobs, finances, depression, anxiety; Open our eyes that we might see and our ears that we might listen to those in need, God's guidance to help them;

South Shore Regional School - for God's will to be revealed to everyone in the planning process ; For God work in the Braintree Church events;

God will work through the politics and Politicians; country leaders

Those with insomnia/sleeping;

God be with the newly baptized and their families, the visitors, our neighbors and surrounding communities; sister church; silent prayers

God to bless the Pathfinder leaders, Adventurers ministries

Ryan Patton and family; Peggy and family; Doreth family; Winnie delivery; Jacqline H guidance; Michael young boy, Bryan gym, Joe dealership;  

Marlene Melanson; Volmar; Sandy Lecur God bless and be her, couple with dog; young man on trip in SE Asia- lift up them and family in prayer - God open His open mind and heart and that be receptive; Uncle Wes healing - guidance, presence with wife and family; Towera; Chris willing to hear about love of God;

Bible interests; Theo; God's plans and our schedule daily; Schedule to join prayerline; Rachel and Kendell relationship; Salvation for Trump and Family; Jenny healing and friend Kathy; Family of Tasha; Keisha and family; Delande Smith; Robin Robinson; Patricia A. health and family; God help those with Addictions, treatment center and recovery; Michael and Jennifer; Christine marriage; Dan brothers for God to bring unity, discernment and wisdom for family meeting Sunday; For Dane family and church; For 'john' to have discernment, sound mind; Colleague family at mom's passing; Georgia hope, peace intervention; Steve; Lowell life; Christine's mother in law total healing; Kathleen Forest; Thecla family and grandson Jayden; Joe God to open his eyes to the truth and guidance; Viola B healing; Magalena L healing; Cordelia and Cody Health; friend's marriage in conflict; friend laid off work; loss of Jobs and threat of loss of jobs; Roxane M and family for guidance; Irene health; Gun violence in America; Kayla; Family with drug addiction and detox clients, Phil and Susan Mc health; Glen - to choose to follow Jesus; Clare stroke; Person working at Garden center; Homeless; director of fs; Sophia at Boston Children Hospital; Princess; Greg for new residence; Norma for a doctor, help; DC friend mom cancer; Anthony, pastors; those who have accepted Jesus Christ, Sonya; Patrice's son and daughter; Sarah and Mo; Angela open to God; Michel W for guidance; influences at school for children to do right; Amanda for healing, Chris for strength, wisdom; a Couple for reconciliation; Cousin Shana health; two friends who are struggling; Conrad; three children ward of state as result of crime; Riley family conflict, resolve be with the children; Les to keep first love - that we all keep our first love; loss of baby; Michele to know the will of God; Emma for God to lead in her life; Gregory in the hospital - God's deliverance and will be done in his life; girl from Arizona; Richard/Richard for God's presence, guidance; Aunt Ann, Cousin David;

Charles W. uber success; Sam K. Holy Spirit guidance; Protegenie J health; Liz that God would use them to reach their neighbors with the Gospel; PZ niece, nephews; state health care backlog, staffing; Tia

David and Sandy; Kelly; ML; Lelani and Kai; Mia, Marcia; Steve M;

DC - parents, domicile, challenges and changes in life and business, God presence and victory, closer walk with God, God for physical strength and healing for his back; Chris and family for God to lead them in their seeking for God; Lydia and three sons;

Ankiza siblings to know God, guidance, follow God, mom to find a secure house; Liz, Annie, Kizzy, Elizangela, Pam, David, Margareth, Eva; Ricky Bryant; online prayer request for Jacob to be closer to God, Dennis and Terry for restoration of peace; Kathleen recovery, job/finances; Nick job; Les and Terry Jr. /Steven - guidance and strength; Liz sister; Chuck hand, praise for movement, continue healing and lessen pain;

Nadine; Cathy, Dave Sr, Loraine, Tiffany; Juliet health, steadfastness; patient reconciliation with family, to know God;

Jemma guidance; mother and NICU baby Levi; Ray for health and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, Hannah B, Pr. Jean Baptiste health; Agi, Rebecca, husband/business and Ian; Nicky and husband health, divorce;  Carine, Marilyn; AM family guidance, mom health, mind and faith; Luisa, Carla, Merci visitors; Sherline M, Annie, Edwin; Jackline N. family; Chris C.; AM cousin Michelle; Ice parents aging challenges, Zoe, brother marriage; Maryhelen/Dennis challenges, age/health and family;  Janet, Dores; Liz - Debbie and Ed - diabetes; Joe K.; Robert t.; Seneca K;  Jamie Health; Marcus truth and understanding; Anna P. recovering from cancer and guidance; Cody; Kara with work; Mary Jo cardiac; Michael M., addiction - Matthew O., Brittany; Rachel, William, Joe and Jack stop smoking – God’s guidance, draw them to know Him and accept the Gospel; Marie P and family; Shanahan family; Jh family child custody; friend with Cancer; Kristen and husband for new home; Maziwas, Preston; Mag uber driver; single mother challenges; Kristine - homeless, help; Fracine; Marlene T; Caretakers both professional and family members; young man intubated - recovery, rehab program; Family loss of three children, forgiveness;

Chris K. for changes in his and family life, Braintree missing members; JN friend; boy at bus stop protect from second hand smoke; praise for recovery from sickness for families; Kristen Smith - healing of injuries and her mother in law Debbie;

N - Lena; Annemarie F. family; Anderson; Stacey Family; Majory, Emarald - health closer walk with God; Terrion health, her family and sister Pat; Peterson; Tom jr.; Jennifer, Lena, Patrick, Sydney; 

Those people impacted by climate change in US and throughout the world and Unrest: US Flooding/Hurricane; Haiti unrest, Jamaica unrest; Nigeria unrest, East Africa drought -suffering, death - rain and relief; Indonesia Earthquake; The people of Ukraine; inflation;  Israel/Middle East